An Integrated
Manufacturing ERP System

A cloud based ERP system which works on Windows platform; easy to implement and adopt. Comes with great User Interfaces and flexibility that boost the efficiency of the operation throughout.

Higher Efficiency

Role Based Access

ERP is customized such that required modules or functions are already mapped to different Levels and Roles. Only Admin Role has access to make changes, deactivate/activate the roles, provide required access, etc.

Easy to Adopt

Easy to Implement & Work

With the Admin access, ERP can be customized as per the company workflow, functions and standards. The options can be changed time and again based on the need. This makes easy to maintain and use the ERP in quick times.

fully supported
VADO (Value Added Digital Orientation) ERP system is a customized manufacturing ERP system which suits small to medium scale industries sector which is easy to use and adopt in quick times.
It does not need an extensive training to operate as it has very simple user interfaces & self-explanatory functions. It is a windows based web platform which works on all kind of devices such as Desktop, laptop, tablet and some modules also on mobile.
It has role based access and customizable according to companies need. Head of the company will have all the access or modules and can do any work starting from sending Quote to update of any records without any hitches. Same with Corporate functions role, which allows to update the required functions.


Increase your operation efficiency and Quality with this integrated ERP system

Mutli module integrated


With the integrated environment every data is used logically and they are bound with multiple functions. This brings huge efficiency increase in maintaining the data and archiving at one location such as Part Numbers, drawings, test documents, price, etc.

Unlimited Data and Access


As the data is integrated with several related functions the accuracy of data and its applications in deriving the factors are of high quality. System can provide accurate reports, send alerts when needed, provides insights on realtime.

Economical & Flexible Pricing


As admin module is given with the ERP, most of the setting can be done including adding additional users, Modifying access, deactivating some functions, etc. This reduces the running cost and also ERP comes with very economical pricing comparing to big time ERP systems.


VADO ERP is a customized ERP for Small Scale and Medium Scale Industries

This offers a simple integrated environment where all the required Modules / Functions operate on a same platform which brings huge efficiency and quality of operation. It helps to optimize the resource utilization, getting quick overview & reports. It can be integrated with other general ERP systems like Talley.